What were the men who gathered for this convention tasked with doing?

The Early Republic II

  1. Mass mobilization and resistance to processes which over-taxed laboring people and stripped them of their farms in the context of a post-revolution economic depression, helped to convince certain new Americans that a stronger central government was necessary. Thus, a constitutional convention was formed.
  2. What were the men who gathered for this convention tasked with doing?
  3. What did they do, instead?
  4. Describe the men who gathered as delegates at the Constitutional Convention. What were their backgrounds and status? Does this matter? Explain.
  5. (throughout) Citing specific examples from the course material, identify and discuss the kind of nation that the men who gathered at the Constitutional Convention sought to create. What did

their vision of the new nation look like? Be sure to consider issues of democracy, leveling, republicanism, and human needs versus the demands of finances, etc.

  1. How did the nature and conclusions of The Federalist Papers differ from, or even betray, the revolutionary ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence? (Sidenote: Most of the men at the Constitutional Convention were Federalists. They will later form the Federalist Party and comprise the first presidential administration).