What rate in mL/hour will deliver 2,000 units per hour?

week 9 dosage calculation worksheet


  1. Order:  Heparin 16,000 units sub-q daily.  Available:  Heparin Sodium 10,000 units/mL How many mLs will you give each day?


  1. Order:  Heparin 4,000 units per day Available:  Heparin labeled 5,000 units/mL How many mL will you administer?


  1. Order:  Heparin 50,000 units IV in D5W 500 mL Available:  Heparin Sodium 10,000 units per mL. How many mL will you add to the IV?


  1. Order:  Heparin 2,000 units per hour IV.  Available:  25,000 units of heparin in 1,000 mL of normal saline.

What rate in mL/hour will deliver 2,000 units per hour?


  1. Order:  Heparin 1800 units/hour IV.  Available 25,000 units heparin in 250 mL D5W.  What rate in mL per hour will deliver 1800 units per hour?


  1. Order:  40,000 units heparin in 1L of 0.9% NaCl to infuse at 25 mL/h.

Calculate the hourly heparin dosage in mL/hour.


***You are not calculating the flow rate (which is 25 mL/h)  you are calculating how many mL of heparin are being administered every hour.


  1. Order:  Heparin 25,000 units in 250 mL D5W to infuse at 11 mL/h.

Calculate the hourly heparin dosage in units/hour


  1. Order:  Heparin 25,000 units in 500 mL of D5W to infuse at 15 mL/h.  Calculate the hourly heparin dosage in units/hour.


  1. Order:  1 L of 0.9% NS with 40,000 units of heparin over 24 hours.  Calculate the rate in mL/h.


  1. Order:  1 L of 0.9% NS with 40,000 units of heparin over 24 hours.  Calculate the  units/h.


  1. Order:  1L of D5W with 15,000 units of heparin over 10 hours.  Calculate the rate in mL/h


  1. Order:  1L of D5W with 15,000 units of heparin over 10 hours.  Calculate the number of units administered per hour.


  1. Order:  500 mL of 0.9% NS with 10,000 units of heparin at 120 mL/h.

Calculate the hourly heparin dosage (units/hour)


  1. Available:  Accupril 20 mg tablets

Order:  80 mg BID

How many tablets will the patient receive every 24 hours?


  1. The patient must receive 1,500,000 units of penicillin IM.  The vial contains 20,000,000 units (in powered form).  The directions are as follows:  add 38.7 mL to vial; 1 mL=500,00 units. How many milliliters will equal 1,500,000 units?


  1. A client is receiving Isuprel at 30 mL/h.  The solution available is 2 mg of Isuprel in 250 mL D5W.  Calculate the mg/h that the client is receiving.  Your answer will be to the hundredths place


  1. A client is receiving Isuprel at 30 mL/h.  The solution available is 2 mg of Isuprel in 250 mL D5W.

Calculate the mcg/h the client is receiving.


***This is the exact same problem as #16-you calculated mg/h in 16, now convert to mcg/h


  1. For a child, the recommended dosage of IV vancomycin is 40 mg/kg/day.  Vancomycin 200 mg IV QID is ordered for a child weighing 38 lb.

What is the safe dosage for this child in 24 hours?


  1. For a child, the recommended dosage of IV vancomycin is 40 mg/kg/day.  Vancomycin 200 mg IV QID is ordered for a child weighing 38 lb.

What is the safe amount per dose?


  1. For a child, the recommended dosage of IV vancomycin is 40 mg/kg/day.  Vancomycin 200 mg IV QID is ordered for a child weighing 38 lb.

Is the ordered dose safe (yes or no)