What proportion of accidents occurred when the weather was snowy?

One of the first questions we might like to ask of the data, is about the number of fatalities, and then understand how many of
those fatalities involved a driver who was over the legal limit for alcohol consumption (keeping in mind that limit changes over
You will use your data from the first part to answer the following:
(a) What is the overall number fatal accidents for the entire dataset period from 1975-2020? (Note: the denomenator is the
total number of accidents)
(b) How many people died over that period? How many total people were involved (fatal and non-fatal)?
(c) What proportion of accidents occurred between 9pm and 4am (overnight)?
(d) What proportion of accidents occurred when the weather was snowy?
(e) Build a line graph that shows the total fatalities by year (using the dataset with just every 5 years of data).
(f) Make a general statement about what you observe in the line graph.