What is Natural Language Processing (NLP), and how does it relate to text mining?

Selected Chapter 5 Review Questions

Using the textbook and class discussion, answer the following review questions. Click inside the box following the question and type your answer. The box should expand as you enter text.

When you are finished, save this document as LastName FirstName Ch5 RQ and submit it to the Canvas submission box.

Section 5.2

  1. What is text mining? How does it differ from data mining?


Section 5.3

  1. What is Natural Language Processing (NLP), and how does it relate to text mining?


Section 5.4

  1. How can text mining be used in security and counterterrorism?


Section 5.5

  1. Describe the three main steps in the text mining process. (See Figure 5.6)


Section 5.6

  1. What is sentiment analysis?


  1. Briefly tell what is done in each of these sentiment analysis steps:
  • Sentiment detection:


  • Polarity classification:


  • Target identification:


  • Collection and aggregation:



Section 5.7

  1. What are the three main areas of Web mining?


Section 5.8

  1. What is a web crawler? What is it used for? How does it work?


Section 5.9

  1. What is clickstream analysis? What is it used for?


Section 5.10

  1. What is social media analytics? What are the reasons behind its increasing popularity?