What are the needs of the political community? What must all political communities do to insure their survival? What about Philosophy? What does philosophy seek? How does it go about this process?

Professor Dungey Political Science 350

This is a take home exam. Please do not exceed seven (7) typed pages, AND PLEASE ADD PAGE NUMBERS. All work must be your own.


When responding to each of the questions remember to do three important things: 1) make your point; 2) provide an example; and 3) tell the reader why this is important.

In order to succeed on the midterm (get a good grade) you must demonstrate that you have read and engaged the actual texts. What does this mean? You can demonstrate that you have read the texts by quoting (sparingly) from important passages (and citing the page number), and by demonstrating a general familiarity with them.

Question. Please answer ALL questions:

  1. What are the needs of the political community? What must all political communities do to insure their survival? What about Philosophy? What does philosophy seek? How does it go about this process?

Now, please compare and contrast the Socrates of the Clouds, with the Socrates of the Platonic dialogues.

  1. Is Socrates against nature, or following it? Please draw examples from Aristophanes’ The Clouds and the relevant Platonic Dialogues.
  2. Does Socrates use the “unjust” speech? In order to answer this question, you should first define what the unjust speech is. Why is it unjust? And, is Socrates guilty of using it? If so, why? If not, why?
  3. Does he invent new Gods? Or, does he follow the Gods of the city, i.e., the Delphic Oracle?
  4. Last, does Socrates corrupt the youth? What is your opinion?