How does religious ignorance of another group unify communities who themselves might be antagonistic toward each other?

Answer only ONE question from each section. Make sure you number each section in your answers. Each answer must be at least 100 words in length. You do not have to include a work cited page.

PART ONE (Somali Influx)

  1. The immigration debate in this country is often framed as one between native-born whites and foreign-born people of color. How does the conflict between Latino Catholics and Somali Muslims complicate this narrative?
  2. What role do different and competing religious requirements (time for worship, days off for Christian holidays) play into that?
  3. There are many factors in this conflict: religious, economic, which immigrant group got to the US first, the Christian context for Latino religious claims. How do you see the intersection of these different elements in the conflict itself and in the resolution to the conflict?
  4. How does religious ignorance of another group unify communities who themselves might be antagonistic toward each other?