Write about a company or industry that has faced or currently faces a crisis

Current Events Crisis Analysis:

This assignment requires students to identify and examine a current example of a crisis taken from the news. Students will analyze various elements for consideration and apply course concepts. Students will critique the company/individual in terms of what was done well and what perhaps could have been orchestrated better and why.


Write about a company or industry that has faced or currently faces a crisis (or that is grappling with an issue which threatens to become a crisis.)

Include the following components: 1) analyze the underlying causation); 2) a stakeholder analysis; 3) review what the organization did in response, and 4) evaluate its effectiveness and determine whether other approaches might have been taken.

You should do an analysis rather than a description. In addition, you should include documentation of source material. Finally, whichever sort of topic you choose should be of real interest to you.


3-5 pages (it’s expected that you employ sources, attributions and bibliography.)

Be sure to provide informed and thoughtful answers to all of the guideline suggestions/questions.