Why Co-Branding is an important strategy for the marketers? How does it work? Discuss with the help of some examples.

8.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Determine the various types of branding strategies used by firms.

8.2 Action Required:

  • Read Ch-11 “Product, Branding and Packaging Decisions” from Dhruv Grewal and Michael Levy (2022) “Marketing” (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Education, Digital Version: ISBN13: 978-1-260-71743-3.
  • See the following video links and answer the questions.



8.3Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • Discussion Question #1: Why Co-Branding is an important strategy for the marketers? How does it work? Discuss with the help of some examples.
  • Discussion Question #2: How you can differentiate between brand extension and line extension? Discuss with the help of examples.

8.4 Instructions

  • Answer this question in test your knowledge section.
  • Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below

(Week 9: Interactive learning Discussion)