Using JavaScript DOM, access and modify following HTML elements according to the tasks listed below:

question One

  1. In your own word, explain what are the differences between alert and prompt windows?

Using HTML and JavaScipt, provide a script for the below screenshot


  1. Copy and paste your script as your answer for this question. DON’T take screen shot for your HTML and JS script. It must be editable script.
  2. Provide a screenshot of your output. The alert box should display your name and your ID.

    question Two

    Write a script that shows the exact day and time? You required to do the followings:

    1. Copy and paste your script as your answer for this question. DON’T take screen shot for your HTML script. It must be editable script.
    2. Full screenshot of your output

      question Three

      Using JavaScript DOM, access and modify following HTML elements according to the tasks listed below:

      <h1 id=”h1id”> KSA </h1>

      <h2 id=”h2id”> KSA </h2>

      <img id=”img” src=”seu.jpg” width=”400px” height=”150px”>


      1. Change h1 element color to green.
      2. Change h2 element content to SEU.
      3. Change img element width attribute to 150px.


      1. Copy and paste your script as your answer for this question. DON’T take screen shot for your HTML and JS script. It must be editable script.
      2. Provide a screenshot of your output

      Hint: this is how the webpage should look like before and after executing the required tasks:

      Before                                                            After