question One
- In your own word, explain what are the differences between alert and prompt windows?
Using HTML and JavaScipt, provide a script for the below screenshot
- Copy and paste your script as your answer for this question. DON’T take screen shot for your HTML and JS script. It must be editable script.
- Provide a screenshot of your output. The alert box should display your name and your ID.
question Two
Write a script that shows the exact day and time? You required to do the followings:
- Copy and paste your script as your answer for this question. DON’T take screen shot for your HTML script. It must be editable script.
- Full screenshot of your output
question Three
Using JavaScript DOM, access and modify following HTML elements according to the tasks listed below:
<h1 id=”h1id”> KSA </h1>
<h2 id=”h2id”> KSA </h2>
<img id=”img” src=”seu.jpg” width=”400px” height=”150px”>
- Change h1 element color to green.
- Change h2 element content to SEU.
- Change img element width attribute to 150px.
- Copy and paste your script as your answer for this question. DON’T take screen shot for your HTML and JS script. It must be editable script.
- Provide a screenshot of your output
Hint: this is how the webpage should look like before and after executing the required tasks:
Before After