How will success in this internship be determined? This could include specific outcomes, deliverables and/or a final product. What strengths, skills or abilities will be necessary to achieve success? 

IDSC 3210 Assignment: Capstone Internship

  • Consider your key responsibilities and/or projects and the different steps that may be necessary for each. Write 2-3 sentences describing these, and consider adding a percentage to each responsibility/project to account for how you’ll be dividing work.
  • How will success in this internship be determined? This could include specific outcomes, deliverables and/or a final product. What strengths, skills or abilities will be necessary to achieve success?
  • How will this internship experience help you further explore and/or prepare for your career goals?
  • Which courses at AU will have prepared you for this internship? What did you learn in those courses that will be helpful? How will you apply what you learned and/or compare theory to practice? Consider how this impacts your anticipated deliverable, as well as what you hope to learn from this internship experience.
  • What impact do you think this internship may have on your personal growth, learning and skill development?
  • Internships cannot include
    • Working at your current job
    • Working for a family member or family business
    • Working for a current coach, trainer, or sport program that you are participating in
    • Working for your previous coach from high school