Design three interfaces for any application or website that you propose by following the design implications for the cognitive processes.

question One

  1. Select any three websites of your choice and enlist five good and five bad features of all the websites. (2.5 Marks)


  1. Evaluate and discuss your selected website ranking based on usability, accessibility, and User experience (UX) criteria. (1.5 Marks)

    question Two

    Summarize the different aspects of the website that you selected and suggestion(s) for improvements. (maximum 250 words)

    question Three

    1. Design three interfaces for any application or website that you propose by following the design implications for the cognitive processes. (3 marks)


    1. Explain what are the design implications that you follow in each interface. (2 marks)


    (You may use any software to design your interfaces)




    The image below is an example for three different interfaces