What energy system dominate and how do the energy systems contribute to sprinting/Jumping?

Answer ALL of the following questions. Answers must be in a Word document in APA format. At least ONE reference from the text or peer-reviewed sources is required.

Answer in Complete Sentences. No Bullet Points

Explain answers completely to receive credit. 1-2 sentences responses will not be accepted!

15 points.

What muscles are involved in sprinting/Jumping?

What energy system dominate and how do the energy systems contribute to sprinting/Jumping?

What type of activity is best performed in preparation for sprinting/Jumping?

According to AAHPERD, what are the median times for 50yd sprints in high school boys and girls.

The power generated during the vertical jump test depends on what three components of the jump? and explain the anatomy/muscles that are recruited during the concentric and eccentric porotions.

Compare and contrast the static jump and countermovement jump.

What are the key difference for the static jump and countermovement jump and how might they make a difference?

How are the vertical jump and body mass used to derive leg power?