How many tales did Chaucer plan to write for The Canterbury Tales?

Part I. Multiple choice. 25 questions/2 points each for a total of 50 points. Be CAREFUL readers!!!


  1. How many tales did Chaucer plan to write for The Canterbury Tales?
  2. 100
  3. 120
  4. 300
  5. 150


  1. What is the name of the sword that Unferth gives to Beowulf to fight Grendel’s mother?
  2. Hrunting
  3. Naegling
  4. Sting
  5. Excalibur


  1. Wergild is
  2. a code of hospitality
  3. the use of wisdom
  4. man-money
  5. overweening pride


  1. The pilgrims in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales are going to visit what shrine?
  2. Thomas á Becket
  3. Thomas Aquinas
  4. Santiago de Compostela
  5. Jerusalem


  1. The Miller’s Tale is an example of what kind of story?
  2. Breton Lay
  3. Courtly love
  4. Moral tale
  5. Fabliau


  1. How long does Gawain have to find the Green Knight?
  2. A year and a day
  3. A week
  4. One year
  5. Six months




  1. The Beowulf manuscript is also referred to by what name?
  2. La Vita Nuova
  3. The Liber Monstrorum
  4. Il Canzonieri
  5. Amoretti


  1. Who is Hondschioh?
  2. The man who engaged in a swimming match with the young Beowulf
  3. The man who felt threatened by the tale of the swimming match with Beowulf
  4. The man who was killed in the fight at Heorot with Grendel
  5. The man who helped Beowulf defeat the dragon


  1. What does the term comitatus mean?
  2. man-money
  3. peace-weaver
  4. the close-knit relationship between a warrior and his king
  5. glory


  1. As seen in the works of Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe, the Middle Ages was known for a particular type of spirituality referred to as
  2. Devotio moderna
  3. Incendium amoris
  4. Discretio Spirituum
  5. Affective spirituality


  1. Identify where this passage comes from:

Where has the horse gone? where is the young rider? where is the giver of


Where are the seats of the feast? where are the joys of the hall?

O the bright cup! O the brave warrior!

O the glory of princes! How the time passed away,

slipped into nightfall as if it had never been!


  1. The Wanderer
  2. The Seafarer
  3. The Wife’s Lament
  4. The Dream of the Rood


  1. In Chaucer’s Miller’s Tale, who is Alisoun’s husband?
  2. John
  3. Absalon
  4. Harry Bailley
  5. Nicholas



  1. The influence for having King Arthur’s court wear the green sash of shame can be traced back to the founding of
  2. The Knights of the Round Table
  3. The Knight of the Privy
  4. The Knight of the Garter
  5. The Knight of the Stable


  1. Who is the old lady who accompanies lady Bertilak?
  2. Her mother-in-law
  3. Her mother
  4. A nun
  5. Morgan le Fay


  1. In The Marriage of Gawain and Dame Ragnell, how long does Arthur have to find the answer to the question Dame Ragnell poses to him?
  2. One year
  3. A year and a day
  4. 3 months
  5. 6 months


  1. What is the name of Hrothgar’s hall?
  2. Camelot
  3. Rivendell
  4. Gryffindor
  5. Heorot


  1. Anglo-Saxon and medieval manuscripts are written on
  2. Vellum
  3. Paper
  4. Papyrus
  5. Parchment


  1. Who was England’s first printer?
  2. Wynkyn de Worde
  3. Henry Pepwell
  4. William Caxton
  5. Julian Notary


  1. What animal does Lord Bertilak kill on his last hunting expedition?
  2. A fox
  3. A bear
  4. A boar
  5. A deer






  1. This character from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales tells a tale to quit the Knight’s tale.
  2. The Wife of Bath
  3. The Pardoner
  4. The Reeve
  5. The Miller


  1. Chaucer modeled the structure of The Canterbury Tale after this Italian writer’s book.
  2. Dante’s Divine Comedy
  3. Virgil’s The Aeneid
  4. Boccaccio’s Decameron
  5. Francesco Petrarch Il Canzoniere


  1. This act, which was passed in 1401, allowed individuals to be burned at the stake if accused of heresy.
  2. Senex Amans
  3. De Heretico Comburendo
  4. Discretio Spirituum
  5. Confessio Amantis


  1. This woman became an anchoress after a near-death experience.
  2. Julian Notary
  3. Julian of Norwich
  4. Margery Kempe
  5. Queen Guinevere


  1. After King Edward III’s death, who ascended to the throne?
  2. Henry Bolingbroke, aka Henry IV
  3. Richard II
  4. Richard III
  5. Henry VIII


  1. This theologian, philosopher, priest, and professor’s body was disinterred more than forty years after his death in order to burn his corpse and scatter his ashes into the River Swift.
  2. John Wycliffe
  3. Walter Hilton
  4. Wat Tyler
  5. Thomas Malory








Part II. Short answer. 5 questions/10 points each=50. Make sure you DEVELOP your answer to hit the high points, not trivial details.


  1. Who is Queen Modryth, what story is she from, and what is the significance of her story with regards to the role of women in Anglo-Saxon literature? Your answer will require you to explain what the expected role of women was at the time, and discuss how and why Modryth does/or does not uphold this tradition.



  1. Discuss the religious significance of the pentangle on Gawain’s shield, and also explain what is found on the inside of his shield. Make sure you provide what each of the points stands for in this answer. Why does it matter what is on the outside and the inside of his shield? Be sure to develop your answer as thoroughly as possible.




  1. One of the most important themes in Anglo-Saxon literature is the fate of an exile. Looking back at the works we’ve studied this semester, explain how the poems relay this theme in different ways. Make sure to refer to at least THREE poems for this answer.







  1. Nearly every piece of literature that we’ve covered during this semester has focused on the role of religion. While some works are more detailed than others, explain why and how this topic continues to find its way into the literature of the period. Make sure to refer to at least THREE examples in your answer; at least one of those sources must be from Anglo-Saxon literature.







  1. Explain the significance and escalation of the fights in Beowulf—who are the fights with, what weapons are used in each fight, and where do they occur? Do the changes matter in the progression of the fight? Why/why not?