What is the function of arteries and arterioles?

  1. What is diffusion? How does it differ from osmosis?


  1. What is the function of arteries and arterioles?


  1. What structural differences can be found when comparing arteries and veins?


  1. How does the pulmonary circuit differ from the systemic circuit?


  1. Trace the path of a red blood cell leaving the right atrium, listing each structure (chambers, valves, blood vessels) the cell passes through until it returns to the right atrium.


  1. What is systole? What is diastole?


  1. How does the structure of the capillary wall make it the best blood vessel for tissue exchange?


  1. Briefly describe the function of each of the three types of cellular components of blood.


  1. What is atherosclerosis? Why is it dangerous?


  1. List the three phases of gas exchange.


  1. Trace the path of a molecule of oxygen entering your nostril, listing each structure the molecule passes through until it reaches a red blood cell.


  1. What structures make up the respiratory membrane (gasses must pass through these structures to travel from the lungs to the blood)?


  1. How does the nervous system control breathing rate?



  1. What role does hemoglobin play in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide?



  1. How does smoke affect the trachea and lungs?