What brings them to the school of management What has been rewarding about the experience?

This week, each student in the class is responsible for interviewing 3 different students. Please include undergraduate and graduate students both. Please limit yourself to students in the School of Management. At least half should be graduate students and the balance undergraduate students. Interviews should be twenty to thirty minutes long.

Ask permission to record the interview — answers will be anonymous. However, take excellent notes. Make sure you have quotes that you can use to illustrate your findings. This is qualitative research.


1. Have them tell you about themselves, briefly. Make sure they have not been interviewed by another student for this project.

2. What brings them to the school of management

3. What has been rewarding about the experience?

4. What has been frustrating?

5. What would they say to convince a prospective student to join the school? What makes them say that?

6. What do they consider concerns or things that could be improved and make even better?

7. What area of business are they most interested in?

8. What clubs, etc. do they belong to if any? If not, why not?

9. What has been the best thing about the other students they have met?

10. What makes this school different from others they have considered?