Discuss how the developmental characteristic/ability/issue is demonstrated in the children’s book.

Analysis of Developmental Characteristics

1-1.5 pages total (approximately 1/2 – 2/3 page per developmental characteristic)

Analyze the developmental appropriateness of the book, by relating it to two early childhood developmental characteristic.  For each of the two subsections, include

  • Topic sentence clearly stating the developmental domain (e.g., psychosocial development) and developmental characteristic (e.g., Erikson’s stage of initiative vs guilt).
  • An explanation of the developmental characteristic/ability/issue. Reference and cite either the textbook, lecture, or outside reputable source (e.g., a peer reviewed journal article, not a blog post). Paraphrase rather than directly quoting
  • Discuss how the developmental characteristic/ability/issue is demonstrated in the children’s book. Consider elements such as storyline, morals, language used, illustration and more. Some links may seem obvious, and others you can arrive at my discussing how the children’s book would be read/experienced alongside a caregiver.

First Developmental Characteristic

Second Developmental Characteristic


1/3 – 1/2 page

Summarize, briefly recapping the developmental characteristics that align with the children’s book, as well issues of diversity present or not present.