What is the best way to locate sources? How do you know that a source is credible? How might you decide which sources to use and which will not be as useful for your paper?

Write as if you are explaining information to a student in our class who has not had any experience with researched writing. Explain 3 to 4 of the points below.

1) Why might a writer begin a research project with a research question? What role does it play in getting started? In choosing research? In crafting a topic sentence?
2) What is the best way to locate sources? How do you know that a source is credible? How might you decide which sources to use and which will not be as useful for your paper?
3) How would you get information from a source to write an annotation? Where would you look to get that information? What information should an annotation contain?
4) Why are citations important? How do you get information about citing a source? What experiences have you had looking up sources in books? What experiences have you had using the citations offered in a school library
5) What does “paraphrasing” mean? What steps will you take to avoid plagiarizing?
6) Why would a professor assign an annotated bibliography as a part of a research-writing project? Could you have written a paper from your annotated bibliography? How might a bibliography help you write an effective research paper?
7) What does “paraphrase” mean? How would you help another student paraphrase effectively and accurately?