What are the key limitations of using logic models in social work?

Based on the findings from your needs assessment (i.e., the identified program or service that you would like to implement), develop a logic model. The “program/service” may be broadly defined. Ideally, this program would be a new element/offering in a larger community-based organization identified in the needs assessment. However, it could also be a new community-based organization meeting a new and distinct need among the recipient population and community (please check in with me if you have questions regarding the program’s appropriateness for this assignment).

1. Introduction (at least one citation in addition to the textbook should be provided in this section)
a. Provide a thorough description of a logic model.
b. In what ways do logic models inform social work practice? How are they best used in program evaluation?
c. What are the key limitations of using logic models in social work?

2. Describe the program/service for which the logic model will be created. What are the primary programmatic elements? In what ways will this program meet the identified needs? What goals is the program trying to achieve? It is permissible to use the same program description from the previous assignment.

3. Develop a logic model containing the following elements: input; activities; output; intermediate outcomes; final/long-term outcomes. Please provide both a logic model template and a narrative explaining the different components.