Discuss how the City of God engages with the cinematic tropes of the political filmmaking in 1960s-1970.

After watching the opening scene of City of God (Kátia Lund and Fernando Meirelles, 2003), respond to the following:(150-300words)

  • Discuss how the City of God engages with the cinematic tropes of the political filmmaking in 1960s-1970.
  • This will come up later in our lectures, but please discuss the following: In what ways does City of God reappropriate Glauber Rocha’s “the aesthetics of hunger”? Or, does the City of God assimilate Cinema Novo?
  • In addition, give another example of how a contemporary film is in conversation with Cinema Novo aesthetic. Please include a video clip to exemplify your thoughts.

When responding to your classmates, consider the following:

  • Find a classmate with a post that you disagree with regarding their position on the City of God. Respond respectfully as to why you think otherwise.(100words)