Why did you choose your selected independent variable? Explain the regression model used.

Create two bivariate regressions.

Perform two bivariate regressions on the data using the Superstore Excel Workbook to complete this step. This workbook contains your work from previous modules. Both bivariate regressions should analyze Sales with the independent variables of your choice.
Create one bivariate regression that is placed within the Bivariate_Regression_1 worksheet
Create one bivariate regression that is placed within the Bivariate_Regression_2 worksheet.
Explain the results of the bivariate regressions. For each bivariate regression performed, address the following:
Why did you choose your selected independent variable?
Explain the regression model used.
Include the key regression output values that include: R2, p value, intercept, and coefficients.
Explain the regression equation performed.

While bivariate regression is used to predict the impact of one independent variable on one dependent variable, multivariate regression is used to predict the impact of two or more independent variables on one dependent variable.