Discuss how crime and its control in urban communities reflects and reinforces social inequality

Discuss how crime and its control in urban communities reflects and reinforces social inequality.
this are the references we need to use .
Borchard, K. (2010). Between Poverty and a Lifestyle: The Leisure Activities of Homeless
People in Las Vegas. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 39(4), 441-466.
Dean, A. L. (Producer), & Anderson, K. (Director). (2012). My Brooklyn [Film]. New Day
Gotham, K. F., & Brumley, K. (2002). Using Space: Agency and Identity in a Public-Housing
Development. City & Community, 1(3), 267-289.
Sampson, R. J. (2012). What Community Supplies. In J. DeFilippis & S. Saegert (Eds.), The
Community Development Reader (pp. 308-318). New York: Routledge.
Schneider, S. (2000). Organizational Obstacles to Participation in Community Crime
Prevention Programs. International Criminal Justice Review, 10(1), 32-53.
Ruddick, S. (2002). Metamorphosis Revisited: Restricting Discourses of Citizenship. In J.
Hermer & J. Mosher (Eds.), Disorderly People: Law and the Politics of Exclusion in
Ontario (pp. 55-64). Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
Wasserman, J. A. & Clair, J. M. (2011). Housing Patterns of Homeless People: The Ecology
of the Street in the Era of Urban Renewal. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography,
40(1), 71-101.