What are the physiological and psychological effects of the drug/drug category?

This week we had the opportunity to learn about a variety of different substances and how they impact the mind, body, and behavior. For this assignment, you will select a substance covered throughout the module to create a video presentation on the topic. You can choose to present on a particular substance, such as heroin, or you can present on an entire drug category, such as opiates or stimulants. Your presentation should address each of the following in detail:

What are the physiological and psychological effects of the drug/drug category?

What are the biological, psychological and environmental influences on vulnerability to addiction to this drug/drugs within the category?

How is addiction to this drug treated?

Can someone experience withdrawal as a result of stopping the use of this substance? If so, what are the symptoms and how are they treated?

What are two resources that are available within the community to support individuals or families impacted by this substance? Identify the resource and include a brief description of the services offered and why they might be helpful.