Have you ever wondered where these ideas originated and why so widely believed? Are they completely false or partially true?

Over familiarity with an idea can lead you to accept the information as true without questioning it. Just like the psychology myth that opposites attract, have you heard these other common psychology myths? Smiling makes you happier. We only use 10 percent of our brain. Memory is like a video recording. People are either left-brained or right-brained.

Have you ever wondered where these ideas originated and why so widely believed? Are they completely false or partially true? When you begin to look more closely at ideas and where the information came from, you have started the critical-thinking process.

Critical thinking is inherent in scholarly work because it forces you to separate opinions and biases from the evidence found in the research literature
In this Assignment, you will examine the value of critical thinking by exploring facts and opinions and how they are distinguished from one to the other