Determine the actual percentage growth between the base period and the tenth period in your data for each item.

1. As a group selects a recent case study with time series price data that includes two
or more items to be analyzed. You can use data from your area of specialization
and excel software.
2. Use a sample size, which is not more than 15 and not less than 10

3. After reading section 16.1 from your both eBook and slides,
identify the following for your dataset:
i. Time series component. You can draw a line chart to support your answer.
ii. Compute the simple Index number for your data (use period one (year,
day…etc.) as a base period).
iii. Compute the unweighted aggregate price index
iv. Determine the actual percentage growth between the base period and the
tenth period in your data for each item.
v. Determine the actual percentage growth between period six and the tenth
period in your data.
4. Discuss your results in each point as stated below.