Explain how your chosen accounting method aligns with fiscal management strategies.

Summative Assessment: Accounting Method Recommendation
A financial specialist oversees fiscal management for the government or security agency. He or she performs audits and maintains compliance.
STEP 1: Imagine you are a financial specialist in your home state or local government criminal justice agency. Your agency director has received an audit report discrepancy that identified the agency was using a mixture of cash basis and accrual accounting methods. Your director wants to implement only one method and has asked you to develop a recommendation.
STEP 2: Write a 525- to 700-word recommendation in which you:

  • Summarize each accounting method, including the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
  • Identify which accounting method you recommend the agency should implement—cash-basis, accrual, or modified accrual—and explain why you selected that method.
  • Explain how your chosen accounting method aligns with fiscal management strategies.

STEP 3: Cite at least 2 outside references to support your assignment.

Step 4: Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines to include, at a minimum, the APA cover page, Introduction, level headers/titles for each required assignment discussion point, Conclusion, and Reference page.