Explain the VO2 response before, during, and after exercise. Be thorough when describing each phase of the response.

  1. Explain the VO2 response before, during, and after exercise. Be thorough when describing each phase of the response. 20pts
  2. Explain the difference between absolute and relative VO2. 20pts
  3. How long would this subject have to ride at this intensity (use the VO2 from minute 9 of exercise to calculate) to burn one pound of fat? Explain your calculations. Remember: one pound of fat is approximately 3,500 kilocalories of energy. 20pts
  4. How does the mechanical efficiency of the human body during bicycle ergometry compare with other modes of exercise? Make sure to compare values between each mode of exercise. 20pts
  5. Can mechanical efficiency be improved? Explain. 20pts