Macbeth greatly values the opinion of his wife, Lady Macbeth.  Their partnership leads to murder and a reign of terror.  Is the responsibility equally shared?  Does one hold greater responsibility? Why?



  • If folk and fairy tales are designed to educate, as well as entertain, then what lessons do the Little Red Riding Hood stories convey? Using one or more of the versions we read for class, what threats does the story see for girls (or children, depending on the version)?  How should girls (or children) behave? What do these stories say about their cultures? Support your answer with close reading of examples/quotes from the story.
  • As the play progresses, Oedipus searches for the previous king’s killer. Despite the evidence that piles up, he is unable to see the truth. Why? How do you explain his failure to see what is becoming clear to everyone around him?
  • Macbeth greatly values the opinion of his wife, Lady Macbeth.  Their partnership leads to murder and a reign of terror.  Is the responsibility equally shared?  Does one hold greater responsibility? Why?