Describe up to five principles that guide your practice of project management. These can be drawn from your values, aspirations, or existing frameworks like PMBOK-7’s twelve principles.

Write a three to five page paper explaining your personal philosophy of project management.
Include supporting citations to indicate where you drew your explanations and ideas from.
Structure the paper as follows–please use headings:
Overview (Note: This section functions as an abstract of your philosophy. You will probably write this section last, paraphrasing sentences from the other sections.)

Write one or two paragraphs summarizing your philosophy of project management.
Open with a sentence or two about why understanding one’s philosophy of project management is important.
TIP: Refer back to module 1 for ideas if needed.
The purpose of this opening is to attract the reader’s attention by making the “so what” of your paper clear up front.
Summarize key points from the rest of your paper.
Conclude with a thesis sentence to state your key takeaway for the reader.
Paradigm(s) and Principles

Explain what a paradigm is and why it’s important that project managers be aware of their worldview.
Describe the research paradigm(s), e.g., positivism, pragmatism, that guide your approach to project management.
Identify and explain the epistemology (what counts as knowledge) and ontology (assumptions about the world and what is real) that underpin that paradigm.
Provide a rationale for why you prefer this paradigm. For example, how does it align with your values, norms, experiences, and/or add value to your practice in ways that the other paradigms do not?
Describe up to five principles that guide your practice of project management.
These can be drawn from your values, aspirations, or existing frameworks like PMBOK-7’s twelve principles.
Provide a rationale for why you chose these principles. For example, how do they enhance your ability to be an effective project manager?
Theories and Concepts

Identify three theories that guide your approach to project management.
These can be any of the theories we’ve covered in this course. You can also do external research to find other theories that could guide your PM practice.
Provide a rationale for each of these theories as to why you chose it. For example, how do they strengthen your understanding of projects, processes, and the business environment?
Identify 3-4 concepts you feel are fundamental to effective project management.
These can be drawn from the topics we covered in this course, or you can do external research to identify others.
Provide a rationale for why you chose these concepts. For example, based on your PM experience, you’ve found that concept is essential to project success.

Reflect on your values, past experiences, future aspirations, and tolerance for ambiguity (based on what you learned about yourself from that activity).
Connect your reflection to the main points you made in the previous sections
Describe how, if at all, you envision your practice of project management being strengthened now that you have this new clarity.

Include a references section that lists sources for the citations you used.
Please use APA format, (Links to an external site.) the style used by PMI’s Projechoct Management Journal.