Identify and explain the two specific reasons why the U.S. entered the Spanish-American War in 1898.

Stout HIST 1302 Exam 1


Part I: Short Answer (6 x 10 points each = 60 points)


You must pick SIX short answers out of ten total options to answer. Responses should be approximately half a page in length, typed and single-spaced.


  1. Identify and explain the various elements of the Mississippi Plan that began the process of disenfranchising African Americans in 1890.
  2. Explain the two main elements of Jim Crow and their impact on the south.
  3. Explain the causes of the economic boom of the late 19th Century that was known as the Gilded Age.
  4. Explain Nativism in the U.S. and how that related to the immigration waves of 1870-1910.
  5. Explain Populism and how it impacted U.S. politics in the 1890s.
  6. Explain the origins of the organized labor movement and how it impacted the Gilded Age.
  7. Explain some of the features and accomplishments of the Progressive Movement.
  8. Explain the main reasons why the U.S. was interested in imperialism starting in the 1890s.
  9. Identify and explain the two specific reasons why the U.S. entered the Spanish-American War in 1898.
  10. Identify and explain the two specific reasons why the U.S. entered World War I.


Extra Credit Opportunity: answer up to two additional short answers (eight total) for up to 10 points of extra credit per answer.


Part II: Essay (40 points)


You must pick ONE of these questions to answer. Essays should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length, typed and single-spaced.


  1. Explain the origins of the Progressive movement and the impact that the movement had on the U.S. What domestic factors inspired the movement to begin? What were some of the political changes that Progressivism enacted? What about social changes? Which two Presidents are most notably leaders of this movement? Explain the ideology behind each President’s actions. Explain some of the programs and incidents presided over by each of the two Presidents and how these related to their overall philosophy.


  1. Fighting World War I required a multi-pronged effort both by the Army in Europe and American society at home. Explain why the U.S. entered World War I. What did we provide to the Allies? How did we perform in combat? What was our overall impact on the war? How did the U.S. organize the war at home? How did the war impact women and minorities? Also, describe the role of the U.S. government in the war. Did that cause any problems with the public? How did the Supreme Court comment on some of those problems?


  1. From 1865-1900, the U.S. exploded onto the world stage as a true industrial power. A number of things contributed to the boom, but one of the biggest reasons was the flood of immigrants that entered the U.S. between 1880 and 1910. Why did these immigrants come to the U.S.? How did they enter the U.S.? In what sort of conditions did they live and work? How did other Americans react to them? Most importantly, explain the impact immigration had on the U.S. as a whole in this time period