How can you further the conversation? What can you add, question, expand on?

 Post your response to the discussion board — Reflect

Write 3 different scenarios at least 200+ words each for your initial response.

  1. After reading the article, please write the following: For paragraph 1, please write a summary of the article. For each page (12 total), write 1 -2 sentences that explain what each specific page was about.  Then end the paragraph explaining how this article relates to how education can change racial barriers in education?
  2. In your second paragraph, respond to the Ted Talk. How does education bring awareness and change? What do we need to do as educators to spur change in our students? What do you as students need to do to mobilize as change agents? What have you learned that caused you to want to make a difference?

Bitmoji ImageI look forward to your thoughts.

Step 4 Read and respond to other students’ posts

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. In addition to any other comments you may have, respond to the following:

  1. How can you further the conversation? What can you add, question, expand on?
  2. What struggles and thoughts do you share with your classmate?