Where does the article fit in the data science pipeline? Explore specifically how the researchers dealt with the Data Capture phase of the data science pipeline.

  1. Formal research citation of one peer-reviewed research article (students may choose their professional citation format).
  2. Summary of:
    1. Hypothesis being tested
    2. Use of GIS as a method
    3. Outcome of the analysis in providing a solution to the societal concern.
  3. Discussion of article in the Data Science context:
    1. Where does the article fit in the data science pipeline?
    2. Explore specifically how the researchers dealt with the Data Capture phase of the data science pipeline.
      1. What data were used? What was the data source?
      2. What measurement frameworks and/or representational models and/or other considerations were essential in connecting the data to GIS and other datasets? (e.g. was the data raster or vector, or did it combine those? were the aggregation units standard or devised especially for this project)
  4. A personal connection:
    1. Why is this article of interest to you?
    2. Was it easy to find articles on this topic?
    3. What is your reaction to the research overall, the data, and the results?
      (This could include such ponderings as: Did you agree with the original hypothesis? Did anything surprise you about the hypothesis/data/methods? What implications did the research have for your area of interest? What would you like to see have happen next? If nothing surprised you, was it even worthwhile for the research to be completed? Did this article change how you view the issue in any way?)