Develop a collaborative support plan to effectively support Paul. Focus on the
following aspects in your plan:

1.1. Complete part of the SIAS document SNA 1 form, division
Strengths and Needs of the Learner, and indicate the strengths and needs of the learner by completing the tables below. (25)
Learning: The learner’s ability to participate satisfactorily on the grade level regarding
subject content and assessment. Complete the table.

Needs/ Risk factor (s) Support needed
Behaviour and social competence: The learner’s ability to interact and work with other
learners, as well as follow classroom routines. Complete the table:

Needs/ Risk factor (s) Support needed
Health, wellness and personal care: The learners’ physical appearance, emotional well
being and health status. Complete the table:

Needs/ Risk factor (s) Support needed
Classroom and school: Factors within the classroom and school environment (policies,
ethos, attitudes, skills, resource, safety, etc.) Complete the table:

Needs/ Risk factor (s) Support needed

Family, home and community situation: Factors that may be impacting on the learner’s
ability to achieve satisfactorily at school (e.g. family structure, family stability, biological
parents, siblings, other significant adults, orphan, childheaded household, homeless, foster
care, number of schools attended, substance abuse, domestic violence, neglect, poverty).
Complete the table:

Needs/ Risk factor (s) Support needed
1.2. Compile an Individual Support Plan for Paul. You have to be specific with your
interventions. Specify the areas in which support is needed, the goal or target to be
achieved as well as the strategy of intervention that you will use as well as the
responsible person. The time frame can be left out for the purpose of this assignment.

Be specific with the goals you set for Paul (remember that Paul will be part of the goal
setting process). Be realistic and provide solutions that could be implemented. Vague
ideas or plans would not benefit the child. (15)

1.3. How will you, as the teacher, support this learner further? What
interventions/accommodations will you implement in the learning environment
(classroom/school)? In providing your support, consider the different systems of
Bronfenbrenner and how you can access the different systems to support the learner.