Draw 6 fully formed croquis figures based on your references. Bodies can be of any gender but they should also be a variety of genders

Part 1: Mapping your references

Scaffold each of your fashion pose references with the method in 4.2. This can be done physically, directly on your print-out or magazine cover, on tracing paper, or digitally (using an app, like Instagram). Make sure you highlight at least the following:

    1. The balance line
    2. The shoulder line
    3. The hip line
    4. The waist line
    5. The CF,CB line, or Side Seam
    6. The joints

Part 2: Drawing fashion poses

Draw 6 fully formed croquis figures based on your references. Bodies can be of any gender but they should also be a variety of genders (don’t just draw all masculine or feminine croquis).

    1. Draw and label as many 9-head croquis scaffolds as you need.
    2. Figures must be in the 9-head scale.
    3. They must all have different opposite angle poses (no standard upright croquis in which the shoulder and hip lines are parallel).
    4. Your figures must adhere to the guidelines of opposite-angle posing– be wary of the balance line, the hip and shoulder lines, joint sizes, and limb length as you rotate and angle the body.
    5. Draw the Center Front/Back and other contour lines (panty line, bust contouring, etc.).
    6. Draw the hands and feet. Make sure they are the right size for the figure. Scaffold the hands and feet as you did in Module 3.
    7. Draw the head and its scaffold (center line and eye line).
    8. Draw the body fully fleshed out around your “skeleton.”