Evaluate the reasons the United States went to war against Great Britain in 1812. Who supported the war? Who was against the war?

DIRECTIONS: You will choose TWO of the topics to identify a total of FIVE terms. For the THIRD topic for
which you did not identify any terms, you will answer that topic’s essay question. You will use all three
topics. Two for identification, one for the essay.

PART 1IDENTIFICATIONS. Choose FIVE terms / people TOTAL to identify. Choose the five terms from
TWO of the topicsno more than three from any one topic. Describe them using who, what, where,
when, why, how as appropriate. Be sure to use facts / details. Also tell the term’s significance,
importance or connection to something else. The connection does NOT need to be to one of the other
terms. You should write 67 sentences for each identification. 7 points per term / 35 points total.

Topic 1
American Revolution

Topic 2
The New Nation

Topic 3
The Early Republic

Checks & Balances Judicial Review
Thomas Paine
Bill of Rights Lewis & Clark Expedition
Declaration of Independence
Great Compromise Embargo Act 1807
Battle of Trenton
Alien & Sedition Acts War Hawks
Valley Forge
Northwest Ordinance 1787 Tecumseh
Battle of Saratoga
Whiskey Rebellion Hartford Convention
PART 2ESSAY. Choose ONE essay to answer from the ONE Topic you did not use for Part 1. Be sure to have a topic with  a judgment, sentences for the body paragraphs and a conclusion that
refers back to your judgment. 65 points.

NOTE: Evaluatemake an appraisal by weighing the strengths and weaknesses or by weighing the
different elements.

To evaluate something, it might help to think about a scale of 110. Or, think about what a teacher
does when a teacher evaluates / grades an assignment.

When you evaluate and look at the various topics, give a judgment about which topic contributes
the most, is more significant or important. WHY is that topic more significant or important?

Topic 1 American Revolution
Evaluate the reasons why the Americans were able to win the American Revolution.

Topic 2 The New Nation
Evaluate political changes the Constitution created for the new nation.
[NOTE: what had changed / what was different from governments they had had before the Constitution?]

Topic 3 The Early Republic
Evaluate the reasons the United States went to war against Great Britain in 1812. Who supported the
war? Who was against the w