Explain Newton’s laws of motion at work in common phenomena.

This assignment will allow you to demonstrate the following objectives:


  1. Illustrate the scientific method within everyday situations.

2.1 Identify the appropriate formulas necessary to solve specific scenario questions.

2.2 Calculate and analyze the acceleration and the force in various situations.


  1. Explain Newton’s laws of motion at work in common phenomena.

3.1 Solve problems using the law of motion.

3.2 Explore the relationship between the first and second laws.

3.3 Identify action-reaction pair in the third law.



Instructions: Solve the problems below. Each question is worth 10 points. You must show your work with as much detail as possible. Answer the questions directly in this template. Before doing so, it is highly recommended that you thoroughly review the Unit II Lesson in the Study Guide.


  1. On a sunny spring day, Mr. Hane’s family went to a zoo in his town. His daughter looked at an elephant, and she found that the mass of the elephant is 2019 kg. What is the weight of the elephant in Newtons? Use the acceleration due to gravity (g) as 9.8 meters per second squared. (10 points)


An apple with 0.98 N of force fell on Newton’s head while he took a rest in a garden in his hometown. What is its mass in kilograms? Use the acceleration due to gravity (g) as 9.8 meters per second squared. (10 points)