king back over past presidential elections, have Democrats tended to attract a higher percentage of female or male voters? Did that pattern hold in the 2020 election? Explain.

American Government Assignment #4

Find Table 6.3 on p. 136 and answer the following questions in relation to the analysis of voter groups in the 2020 presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump below.

1. Was the Democrat Biden’s performance among Hispanic voters in 2020 consistent or inconsistent with the historical pattern of Hispanic voting? Explain.

2. Was the Republican Trump’s performance among Protestants in 2020 consistent or inconsistent with the historical pattern of Protestant voting? Explain.

3. Looking back over past presidential elections, have Democrats tended to attract a higher percentage of female or male voters? Did that pattern hold in the 2020 election? Explain.

Trump made gains among Hispanic voters. Even as Biden held on to a majority of Hispanic voters in 2020, Trump made gains among this group overall. There was a wide educational divide among Hispanic voters: Trump did substantially better with those without a college degree than college-educated Hispanic voters