What might have motivated the author(s)/organization to create this document? What was the document intended to do for its readers (in your opinion)?

age essay for this component. The student will select one primary source document from the chapter (or chapters) assigned during the week and build historical context around it. The following components/questions/comments should be included in your write up.

What might have motivated the author(s)/organization to create this document?
What was the document intended to do for its readers (in your opinion)?
What outside factors in larger society may have influenced its creation (e.g. Enlightenment, Great Depression)? Try to make connections between wider society and the specific document. When assessing outside factors, pay attention to what types of factors they are (either social, economic, religious, political, or some combination)..
How does the document fit into the other materials you read? Is there congruence? Contradictions?