A new assistant gardener apprenticing with a Senior Horticulturist at a larger Botanical Gardens.
In order to do so, you need to characterise the learning that is occurring. For example, you might consider the nature of what is learned, the process through which learning is occurring, and any challenges that may arise. Then, using the theories we have discussed in the module( Cognitive, mega cognitive, PLD, constructivism ,socialism… , interpret these observations about the learning to explain a specific learning problem(s). Finally, you will propose the design of a learning tool to aid in addressing this specific learning problem(s). This will require a description of the design of your learning tool, a discussion of how it is motivated by learning theories, and how it should address your learning problem(s). [Note: The design is purely conceptual, you don’t have to build anything.] Your paper will thus be a theoretically driven design proposal. In this proposal, you should include the following (not necessarily in this exact order, so do not use this list as an outline):
• An introduction that lays out the specific learning needs/problems of the apprenticeship. Describe the learning need or problem that your design seeks to address. What are the specifics of the need or problem? What is the context it occurs? How is it currently addressed? What is lacking?
• Discussion of the theoretical underpinning of your design: In order to present a convincing design, your ideas should be grounded in learning theory. Give a theoretically grounded argument that pulls from relevant literature and leads to a specific design question. What does prior research and theory say about your need/problem? Draw on the course material for this, both the higher order theories (e.g. constructivism) and/or the more specific themes (e.g. transfer)
• A specific explanation of the goal of your design: Needs and problems are generally very broad topics. What is the major goal your design needs to accomplish? How will you know if it is successful? This should be motivated by the theory and research you presented.
• A description of your design: Describe a general approach to the design that addresses your specific goals. What design principles informed by learning theory, will you draw on? What specific type of tool are you designing? Who is the user of the tool? How will you structure the resources in that environment to support learning? In your description make sure to explain how the details of the design relate to the theories you presented and address your learning needs and design goal.
• A conclusion that summarizes your argument: Encapsulate the overall paper and summarize the logic of your arguments. Touch on any obvious limitations to the case you present. Attempt to convince the reader of the overall worth of the approach you chose. This is a traditional essay of approximately 6000 words (excluding bibliography). The word limit is not a punishment to those who feel there is much they want to say—but encouragement to them to write crisply, directly and economically. This usually implies frequent re-reading of your drafts after a period of absence from them. Also important is remember to source your ideas with references to readings (both from this module and your own search of the research literature) and to present those references in a consistent and professional manner at the end of your essay. There is no minimum nor maximum for number of citations required, however, you should not attempt to make your design fit every learning theory we have presented. The point is to be specific about how your design uses a particular learning theory to address the particular learning need. Write the essay as to be read by an intelligent and interested, but not necessarily expert, audience. What I found: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_theory_of_apprenticeship The apprentice perspective is an educational theory of apprenticeship concerning the process of learning through physical integration into the practices associated with the subject, such as workplace training. Educational theories of apprenticeship often involve the combination of formal and information training for the development of schema(framework, structure), mental structures that represent individual understanding of experiences that frachome a person’s conceptualization of reality.