states that atoms will give up, accept, or share electrons in order to have 8 electrons in the outer shell.

Chapter 2 Chemical Foundation Of Life Flashcard Questions

  1. Any substance that occupies space and has mass is called _______________.


  1. An __________________ is a substance whose atoms all have the same number of protons (atomic number).



  1. Smallest unit of matter that retains all of the chemical properties of an element is called __________________.


  1. The best-known subatomic particles are
  2. ______________________ that has ______________ charge.
  3. ______________________ that has ______________ charge.
  • _______________________ that has ______________ charge.


  1. Please label the image below using the following vocabulary:

Nucleus, electron, proton, neutron.


  1. The atomic particle that has positive charge and resides in the nucleus is called ________________.
  2. The atomic particle that has no charge and resides in the nucleus is called ________________.
  3. The atomic particle that has negative charge and is whizzing around the nucleus is called ________________.
  4. Explore the properties of matter and elements by completing each sentence.
  5. Atomic number
  6. atoms, elements
  7. hydrogens
  8. isotopes
  9. mass number
  10. matter
  11. Neutrons
  12. Protons
  13. Electrons
  14. Molecule
  15. water
  • Any object that takes up space and has mass is considered to be ______________.
  • Nonliving and living matter are composed of _______________.
  • The atomic theory states that elements are comprised of_____________.
  • Atoms with the same ___________are said to belong to the same element.
  • The atomic number of an element reflects the number of ___________ in each atom of that element.
  • The ____________ of an element reflects the number of protons and neutrons in each atom of that element.
  • ______________ have a negative charge and are NOT located in the nucleus of the atom.
  • An isotope is a form of an element that differs in the number of _____________.
  • The bonding of two or more atoms forms a ______________.
  • An example of a very important compound is the combination of two atoms of hydrogen and one oxygen to form _________________.
  • The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called _________________.


  1. __________________ is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.



  1. Electron mass is considered zero.
  2. True
  3. False


  1. The atomic number of an atom normally tells you the number of electrons.
  2. True
  3. False
  4. _____________________ are atoms of a single element that differ in their number of neutrons.


  1. Atoms that have the same number of protons, but different mass numbers are called _________________.



  1. _____________ ___________________ states that atoms will give up, accept, or share electrons in order to have 8 electrons in the outer shell.


  1. The electrons on the outermost shell are called _____________ electrons.


  1. The outermost shell of an atom is called ________________ shell.


  1. _____________ ______________ occur when 2 or more atoms bond together to form molecules or when bonded atoms are broken apart.



  1. _____________ are the starting participants in the chemical reaction.


  1. ______________ are formed by the chemical reaction.
  2. Label the chemical reaction below:
  3. ___________ _______________ is a lasting attraction between atoms that enables the formation of chemical compounds.


  1. 2 or more different elements bonded together are called ________________.


  1. _________________ are the smallest part of a compound that still has the properties of that compound and is made of 2 or more atoms.


  1. An atom or molecule that has either lost or gained electrons


  1. Molecule
  2. Isotope
  3. Ion
  4. None of the above


  1. When two atoms do not have completely full outer shells, they may share electrons so that each has a full outer shell. This bond is called
  2. Ionic
  3. Covalent
  4. Hydrogen
  5. None of the above


  1. polar covalent bond is a(an) ___________ sharing of electrons between atoms
  2. Equal
  3. Unequal
  4. __________________ is the attraction of an atom for the electrons in a covalent bond.
  5. Electronegativity
  6. Ionic attraction
  7. Electropositivity


  1. Polarity of water molecules causes the hydrogen atoms in one molecule to be attracted to the oxygen atoms in other water molecules. This bond is called:
  2. Ionic bond
  3. Covalent bond
  4. Hydrogen bond
  5. Van der Waals bond


  1. Van der Waals bond is easily broken.
  2. True
  3. False


  1. Van der Waals bond is represented by a dotted line.
  2. True
  3. False
  4. Write the type of the bond in the boxes below:



  1. If an atom loses an electron, it will have a positive charge and it is called:
  2. molecule
  3. isotope
  4. Anion
  5. Cation


  1. If an atom gains an electron, it will have a negative charge and it is called:
  2. molecule
  3. isotope
  4. Anion
  5. Cation


  1. Ions with opposite charges attract and form ionic bonds.
  2. True
  3. False


  1. Match the statements and the types of bonds listed below:

Covalent bonds, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds

  • Bonds between water molecules.
  • Electrons are transferred between 2 atoms creating positively and negatively charged atoms, which are then attracted to one another.
  • Strong chemical bond due to the sharing of electrons.
  • Bonds between charged molecules or portions of a molecule.
  • Na+ + Cl à NaCl
  • Bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms within a water molecule
  • Weak attraction between slightly charged parts of molecules, which are readily broken and reformed.


  1. __________ ________________ bonds are written as H-H.
  2. __________ ________________ bonds are written as O=O.
  3. __________ ________________ bonds are written as N≡N.
  4. Nonpolar covalent bond is a(an) ___________ sharing of electrons between atoms
  5. Equal
  6. Unequal
  7. Water’s hydrogen bonds help it dissolve other polar molecules.
  8. True
  9. False
  10. _________________ molecules cannot attract water.
  11. Hydrophobic
  12. Hydrophilic
  13. Polar
  14. Nonpolar
  15. A and C
  16. Oil and water do not mix because water is non-polar, and oil is polar.
  17. True
  18. False
  19. ________________ ___________________ accounts for most of the properties of water that make life possible.
  20. Hydrogen bonds
  21. Covalent bonds
  22. Oxygen bonds
  23. Carbon bonds
  24. The chemical bond within a water molecule is a ______ bond.
  25. Covalent bond
  26. Hydrogen bond
  27. Ionic bond
  28. Van der Waals bond


  1. The characteristic that causes water molecules stick together is called ____________.


  1. The characteristic that causes water molecules stick to other polar molecules is called ____________.
  2. Match the statements and the types of bonds listed below:
  3. Positive
  4. Covalent
  5. Electron
  6. Hydrogen
  7. hydrogen chloride
  8. ionic, one pair
  9. sodium chloride
  10. Stronger
  11. 3 pairs
  12. 2 pairs
  13. Weaker


  1. An ion is formed when one atom transfers at least one __________ to another atom, causing a charge imbalance in each atom.
  2. when sodium reacts with chlorine, an ionic compound called ____________ results.
  3. The typical ____________ bond occurs when two atoms share at least one pair of electrons.
  4. Hydrogen will only share _____________ of electrons when forming a covalent bond.
  5. The more bonds shared covalently between two atoms, the ____________ the bond becomes.



  1. Capillary action in a glass tube is caused by the _______________.
  2. Adhesion
  3. Cohesion
  4. None of the above


  1. Substances that dissociate in water, releasing excessive amount of hydrogen ions (H+) are called _____________.
  2. Substances that dissociate in water, releasing excessive amount of hydroxide ions (OH) are called ______________.
  3. Write which one is acidic and which one is basic.





In the statement below choose which is acidic, basic or neutral.


  1. When Hydrogen ion concentration [H+] equals hydroxide ion concentration [OH], the solutions is _____________.


  1. When Hydrogen ion concentration [H+] is greater than hydroxide ion concentration

[OH], the solutions is _____________.

  1. When Hydroxide ion concentration [OH] is greater than hydrogen ion concentration

[H+], the solutions is _____________.

  1. A solution which resists pH changes is
  2. A buffer
  3. A hydrophobic solution
  4. An acid
  5. A hydrophilic solution
  6. A base


  1. Alkalosis, cramping, and irritability can occur when our blood pH rises above 7.45.  Acidosis, seizures, coma and death can occur when our blood pH falls below pH 7.35.  To prevent these conditions, our blood usually has chemicals which
  2. keep pH at neutral state.
  3. can take up excess hydrogen ions.
  4. can produce more water molecules.
  5. can take up excess hydroxide ions.
  6. can take up both excess hydrogen ions and excess hydroxide ions.


  1. A chemistry student measures the pH of a solution as 7.1. The student adds five milliliters of an acid to the solution and finds that the pH of the solution is still 7.1. What conclusion could be made from these observations?
  2. The original solution was buffered.
  3. The original solution was weakly basic.
  4. The original solution was weakly acidic.
  5. The original solution was strongly acidic.
  6. The original solution was strongly basic.