What are the primary parts of an IEP and what is their basic purpose?

A major goal in SPED 233 is to learn the process for determining a child’s eligibility in special education. Use information learned in this class to complete the following tasks:

1. Describe the process of eligibility for qualification for special education services beginning with the screenings, the RTI process, and going through the determination of eligibility for special education services.

What is involved in the screening process?

What are the distinct similarities and differences in the various RTI tiers?

When and how does the referral for and determination of eligibility for special education occur?

2. Describe and answer ALL of the following questions:

* What is the role of the ARC (Admissions and Release Committee)?

* Who should be on the ARC?

* What is an IEP and what is its purpose?

* What are the primary parts of an IEP and what is their basic purpose?

* How are IEP goals and objectives determined and by whom?

* How often should the IEP be reviewed?

* How often should eligibility be reviewed/determined?


3. Connections to one (1) Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) SPA standard and two (2) InTasc