What do you believe we should look for in a U.S. President?

Select from the following noteworthy Presidential Campaigns:
Harry S. Truman vs Thomas Dewey (1948) Al Gore vs George W. Bush (2000)

Richard Nixon vs John F. Kennedy (1960) Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton (2016)

Title: Center the title, at one inch (1 inch) from top of page.

Analysis of the Political Campaign between __________and ___________

By: Your Name

Paragraph 1: Name the candidates of your chosen campaign and give a brief biography of
each. Use an intext citation (parenthetical reference with name of source, date, page).
This should be roughly onehalf page.

Paragraph 2:
(a) What do experts say we actually look for in a U.S. Presidentthe informal qualifications
we as voters actually look at in determining who to vote for? Use an intext citation
(parenthetical reference with name of source, date, page). This should be roughly onehalf

(b) What do you believe we should look for in a U.S. President?

This should be roughly onehalf page to one page.

Paragraph 3:
(a) Analyze and describe media use and campaign tactics in the campaign you chose. This could include newspaper ads, posters, cartoons, flyers, billboards, social media, and local media outlets (such as blogs). Use an intext citation (parenthetical reference with name of source, date, page). Would negative campaigning sway your vote? Why or why not? This should be roughly onehalf page.

Paragraph 4: If you could have predicted the winner, who would you have predicted to win? Who should have won the campaign? This should be roughly onehalf page.