How is the film’s setting, its presentation of the main characters, and the way it SHOWS the action important to understanding whose point of view it supports and what it means?

Watch: Sorry to Bother You (Riley, 2018)

Read: Filmosophy Introduction by Daniel Frampton

Optional Prompt:
Write: 1-page response to Sorry to Bother You. What is this film thinking? Deploy ideas from Filmosophy to defend your position. Use examples of the film’s form to support your argument. How is the film’s setting, its presentation of the main characters, and the way it SHOWS the action important to understanding whose point of view it supports and what it means?

Important Note:
This paper MUST engage this week’s assigned reading, providing you the opportunity to apply the tools learned in class to practice the analysis of film as an art form. This paper is not a review; your opinion about the quality of the film is not necessary or relevant. Concentrate on how the film workchos, how does it generate desired effects?