How does the program goal address the identified problem? Inputs or Resources: Determine the key program inputs or resources using the Logic Model Outline Template to help you organize these inputs or resources. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

Program Title and Program Goal: Describe the program title and the overarching program goal. Consider the following question to guide your response:
How does the program goal address the identified problem?
Inputs or Resources: Determine the key program inputs or resources using the Logic Model Outline Template to help you organize these inputs or resources. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
How would you determine the inputs or resources needed for your program?
What challenges do you see in getting all or some of these inputs or resources?
Activities or Work Products: Determine the key activities or work products needed to make the program effective. Use the Logic Model Outline Template to help you organize these key activities or work products. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
Why are the identified activities or work products essential for the success of the program?
Which two activities do you think are most critical for the program and why?