Demonstrate knowledge of the elements of reading and their symbiotic relationship to one another.

Criteria 1: Demonstrate knowledge of the elements of reading and their symbiotic relationship to one another.
Criteria 2: Examine the social and cognitive processes of reading.
Criteria 3: Appraise theories of the teaching of reading and how they inform practice.

WORD LIMIT: 2500 words plus or minus 10%. This includes headings, in-text citations, captions, and direct quotes. It excludes the Reference List. FONT: 11pt Arial or Times New Roman, LINE SPACING: 1.5 FORMAT: PDF OR WORD. APA 7th edition format for both in-text and end text referencing.
Intent: Investigate and identify the social and cognitive processes of learning to read related to the case study of Alice who is in year 1 (uploaded in pdf format) Data Set for Alice Year 1.pdf Data Set for Alice Year 1.pdf – Alternative Formats

You will apply knowledge of the 3 Government reading reports (all 3 reports have been uploaded), theories of teaching reading (uploaded reading pdf for theories) and understanding of how oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, and teaching decoding to support children learning to read.
You will situate Alice’s development against the teaching resource: Letters and Sounds. Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics (Available here: ) and the National Literacy Learning Progressions for speaking, listening and reading. (Available here: )

-You will structure your report in the following way-

Task 1.
Create a table to represent the data (table not included in the essay word count) about Case Study Child: Alice. Identify the age-appropriate strengths and learning opportunities for Alice’s future reading development. Do not use the Australian or state-based curriculum to do this. (Use the learning progressions and Letters and Sounds. Letters and Sounds. Principles and Practice of High-Quality Phonics (Available here: ) and the National Literacy Learning Progressions for speaking, listening and reading. (Available here: )

These two examples in this word document are for a different assessment and do not show evidence of using Letters and Sounds. You need to view these two tables for style rather than content.
(uploaded as a pdf) Examples of tables for a different child.docx

Task 2.
Analyse the unit content, including readings and research, for topics 1-5 to explain learning to read in relation to Alice.

Use my log in details to see readings for topics 1-5 (week 1-5). These readings are to be used for the research for the assessment. (no outsources only use these readings) See last page of this document for links of each reading.
Link to readings:

Task 3.
Identify and outline the practices based on your reading and research which show your understanding of how a teacher would support Alice’s development as a reader in her early year’s classroom.
You must consider
• speaking and listening. How would you promote productive classroom dialogue collaborative conversations to enhance oral language and development to support Alice and all children in the class?
• Alice’s learning of Phonological awareness, phonics, and decoding.
• How the theories will support different ways of teaching Alice and the children in the class.

Here is an example of a scope and sequence document which a teacher has createchod. It has embedded li…