What is the role of the parasympathetic nervous system in stress?What are the potential dangers of multitasking?

: 4 Tips for Slowing Down to Reduce Stress opens in new window
This article provides interesting perspectives and tips for slowing down. By consciously performing tasks and taking the time to be in the moment, can we reduce our stress level?
As you read, consider the following:
• What is the role of the parasympathetic nervous system in stress?
• What are the potential dangers of multitasking?
Video: What Is Depression? opens in new window (4:28)
In this TED-Ed video, you will learn more about depression, the leading cause of disability in the world.
As you watch, consider the following:
• Why is depression so hard to understand for so many people?
• What is the difference between feeling depressed and being clinically depressed?
Video: What Is Bipolar Disorder? opens in new window (5:57)
In this TED-Ed video, you will learn more about bipolar disorder and its many clinical variations.
As you watch, consider the following:
• What causes bipolar disorder?
• What is the difference between type 1 bipolar disorder and type 2 bipolar disorder?
Video: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime opens in new window (15:49)
In this TED Talk, Nadine Burke Harris states that childhood trauma is not something that you can just get over. On the contrary, it is something that can psychologically impact you throughout your lifetime.
As you watch, consider the following:
• What are the likely impacts of being exposed to higher levels of trauma?
• What is the fight-or-flight response?
Video: Bipolar: Adam Deacon and Stephen Fry on “Lifelong Struggle” opens in new window (12:14)
In this video, Adam Deacon talks with Stephen Fry to discuss his experience with bipolar disorder. From being at the top of his career to struggling with legal issues, Deacon talks about his journey to reclaim his life.
As you watch, consider the following:
• For a person with bipolar disorder, extreme mood swings are common. How long in duration is an average episode?
• What role did social media play in Deacon’s mental health?