When were the apartment compounds built? How many are there?

READINGS: The Art of Teotihuacan
In addition to reading the chapter in your textbook by Mary Ellen Miller entitled, “Teotihuacan,” you will be reading a scholarly essay by Esther Pasztory, “The Natural World as Civic Metaphor at Teotihuacan.” In The Ancient Americas: Art from Sacred Landscapes. Exhibition Catalogue, Richard Townsend, ed. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1992. Pp. 135-146. A PDF version of this essay is posted within this week’s module here on Canvas.
As you annotate and/or take notes on Pasztory’s essay, think about the following questions: What is the author’s thesis or argument? What examples of art and architecture does she use to support her points? What does the title mean? You will be expected to reference and comment on this essay in your assignment for this week– your goal is not to memorize everything within it, but to understand the main ideas she presents.
Optional guided reading questions for this essay:
1. Who named the city of Teotihuacan?
2. What does the word mean?
3. When was the city built and how long did it last?
4. When were the pyramids built?
5. When were the apartment compounds built? How many are there?
6. What was the city’s population?
7. What crafts were produced in Teotihuacan?
8. Why was the city an important trade center?
9. Why do we think Teotihuacan may have been a strong military power?
10. What is unique about the city’s design?
11. Why don’t we know much about Teotihuacan’s rulers or their history?
12. What does Pasztory suggest about their government?
13. Explain Pasztory’s ideas about the evolution of the state (of Teotihuacan) and how it relates to either “conflict” or “integration.”
14. What is the author’ thesis statement, and on which page do you find it?
15. What are some of the subjects in Teotihuacan art, as listed by Pasztory on page 137?
16. Why does Pasztory say that there was an “unnatural” settlement pattern at Teotihuacan? What was the reason for forcing the population to live in the city?
17. What are the 3 major monuments that line the Avenue of the Dead?
18. What is the significance of Cerro Gordo?
19. Which river bisects the city?
20. What was found under the Pyramid of the Sun in 1971 and what is its significance?
21. What did Anthony Aveni found in the hills surrounding Teotihuacan?