Critically reflect on the outcomes of the learning experience. You should focus on moving beyond technical descriptions of what occurred and cast a critical eye over your decisions and actions related to planning and implementing.

Answer ALL questions. (Total 100 marks)

Part 1 Situational Analysis (400450 words)

This part of the assignment involves collecting and analysing background information to
inform your planning, implementation and reflection on two learning experiences.

Prepare an analysis of the setting in which you are teaching. This should address essential
contextual data about the particular setting such as (but not limited to) the following:

philosophical/ideological information about the existing program

demographic information about the group/class (e.g. group size, ages, genders)

physical and human resources available

The above list is for guidance only and you should not feel the need to be limited by this.
Remember, a situational analysis is for you and readers to understand the context of the group
for which you are planning, so ensure that you provide a full picture of all relevant background
information and demonstrate that you are approaching planning from an informed,
sociocultural perspective.

(10 marks)

Part 2 Drama Planning and Reflecting (40 marks)

This part of the assignment is about planning, implementing and reflecting on a drama learning
experience. In addition to submitting all four written sections, you will need to implement your
experience with children to enable you to fully complete your reflection. This task will require
you to examine the role of drama learning, analyse what you have observed and apply strategies
that would suitably scaffold children’s learning in drama.

a) Rationale (200400 words)

Account for or rationalise your proposed experience. This will involve describing what you
have observed and interpreting these data. Record your observations of the children using
an appropriate method that is acceptable to the setting. You may include complete
observations/interpretations, or you may choose to include a summary of the important
aspects of these. Be guided by the word count and the way you express things. Your
observations and interpretations should be supplemented with additional data such as
discussions with teaching colleagues and/or parents, and so on as appropriate. It is likely
that summaries of these data are more appropriate than the data themselves.

(10 marks)

b) Aim(s) (1050 words)

State your aim(s) for the proposed learning experience. Aims should link to your rationale
and be guided by your knowledge of children’s development in drama. The number of aims
will depend on the data you gathered and the context in which you are teaching. Note the
word limit (1050 words) is not per aim, but for all of section b.

(5 marks)

c) Procedure (200400 words)
Outline the procedure you will carry out with the children. Consider how you will engage  the children, utilise any drama materials, apply any pedagogical strategies that you intend to use and so on. Within reason, give as full a picture as possible so that the person grading your paper knows exactly what your intentions were and why. Procedures can be presented in full prose or as points in a list. Choose the most appropriate way to do this bearing in mind the word count.

(10 marks)

d) Reflection (400450 words)

Critically reflect on the outcomes of the learning experience. You should focus on
moving beyond technical descriptions of what occurred and cast a critical eye over your decisions and actions related to planning and implementing.

(15 marks)

Part 3 Music and Movement Planning and Reflecting (40 marks)

This part of the assignment is about planning, implementing and reflecting on a music learning experience. This experience may focus on music alone or music and movement. Regardless of
your choice, aspects of the metalanguage for music must be visible. In addition to submitting all four written sections, you will need to implement your experience with children to enable you to fully complete your reflection. This task will require you to examine the role of music learning, analyse what you have observed and apply strategies that would suitably scaffold children’s learning in music and movement.

a) Rationale (200400 words)

Account for or rationalise your proposed experience. This will involve describing what you have observed and interpreting these data. Record your observations of the children using an appropriate method that is acceptable to the setting. You may include complete observations/interpretations, or you may choose to include a summary of the important aspects of these. Be guided by the word count and the way you express things. Your observations and interpretations should be supplemented with additional data such as discussions with teaching colleagues and/or parents, and so on as appropriate. It is likely that summaries of these data are more appropriate than the data themselves.

(10 marks)

b) Aim(s) (1050 words)

State your aim(s) for the proposed learning experience. Aims should link to your rationale and be guided by your knowledge of children’s development in music. The number of aims will depend on the data you gathered and the context in which you are teaching. Note the word limit (1050 words) is not per aim, but for all of section b.

(5 marks)

c) Procedure (200400 words)
Outline the procedure you will carry out with the children. Consider how you will engage the children, utilise any music materials, apply any pedagogical strategies that you intend to use and so on. Within reason, give as full a picture as possible so that the person grading your paper knows exactly what your intentions were and why. Procedures can be presented in full prose or as points in a list. Choose the most appropriate way to do this bearing in mind the word count.

(10 marks)

d) Reflection (400450 words)

Critically reflect on the outcomes of the learning experience. You should focus on
moving beyond technical descriptions of what occurred and cast a critical eye over your decisions and actions related to planning and implementing.