Evaluate and answer the question “What was the motivation for the character?” Identify specific moments when the character is being motivated intrinsically and extrinsically and how those moments contribute to the character’s overall success. – Select one theory of motivation and assess how the selected theory could be applied to the character in the movie.

Examine Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Cognitive level of learning outcome: Apply, Analyze
Evaluate the applicability of early theories of Motivation
Cognitive level of learning outcome: Evaluate

For the film Cast Away, identify how the main character moves through each level of the hierarchy of needs. Prepare an assessment paper on how the character in the movie applied Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The assessment should address each element of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs including:
 Physiological
 Safety
 Love/Belonging
 Esteem
 Self-Actualization

– Start with an introduction stating the purpose of the paper
– Then introduce your reader to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
– Next provide a synopsis of the movie and what the overall “challenge” is that the character faces. Synthesize (think about, examine, understand) Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, and examine how each of these needs are addressed by the character in the movie.
– Evaluate and answer the question “What was the motivation for the character?” Identify specific moments when the character is being motivated intrinsically and extrinsically and how those moments contribute to the character’s overall success.
– Select one theory of motivation and assess how the selected theory could be applied to the character in the movie.
– Use at least thrchoee (3) peer-reviewed academic references