Discussion of these resources and comparison with clinical practice How do these resources relate to your topic?


In this assessment task, you are asked to identify an area of nursing practice that would benefit from a quality improvement process to improve quality and patient safety outcomes.

Your idea could come from your healthcare experiences as a student on placement, as a healthcare worker or even as a patient. What have you seen that is inefficient and could be solved by a quality improvement project?

Questions to consider:

  • Have you experienced a time when the patient care or processes were not ideal?
  • Did you think that this practice could be improved?
  • Was there something that you thought could be done differently to make the process more efficient for the patient?

 Introduction (380 words) (10 marks)

Note: BE factual and brief, no judgement, no wordy, no storytelling, third person point of view

  • Area of nursing practice that benefit from quality improvement process
  • Manual Handling
  • Description of topic that covers details on the setting
  • Ward: Big Age care facilities but short of staff -> use many agencies staffs
  • Type: Geriatric, rehabilitation
  • Location: Victoria, Melbourne
  • People Involved: Personal carers, Nurses, Agency PCA, Agency staffs
  • Inefficiencies/errors: Do not adhere to Manual handling policies such as:
  • manually lift/stand up a patient who require special lifting machine
  • Not using slide sheet/ kylie to move patient in bed
  • Ambulate patient without required aid
  • Pick up equipment with bad postures
  • Briefly state which NSQHS standards that this are of nursing practice address

Review of the literature (760 words) (20 marks)

Required: >5 peer reviewed literature


  • How have others worked to improve practice in this area
  • Extent of problems and causative factors
  • Potential solutions for your topic from the literature

Discussion of quality improvement project (760 words) (20 mark)

  • Describe which of the solutions from your literature review that you will implement as your quality improvement project
  • State a SMART goal for your QI project (1-2 concise long/short sentences to address each of SMART elements)SMART: specific, measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-framed

Discuss what your QI idea is including:

  • What would be needed to implement this project (Resources? People? Funding?)
  • Who is the stakeholder (Who do you talk to get this happening)
  • How you will measure the change (refer the literature how do they measure)
  • What likely the impact is on staff and patient
  • How will plan for the QI project to be sustained long term

Policies, guidelines and CPGs (380 words) (10 marks)

  • Provide details of evidence-based resources that are relevant to your topic
  • Policies and/or procedures and/or clinical practice guidelines
  • Discussion of these resources and comparison with clinical practice
  • How do these resources relate to your topic?
  • Does clinical practice differ from the guidelines/policies?

Note – you may not be able to find evidence-based resources on a particular, specific topic, but there are always over-arching documents that would either include that topic broadly or could be adapted to include that topic.


Australian Safety and Quality Framework (380 words) (10 marks)

Describe how your quality improvement projects aligns with each of the three principles of the Australian Safety and quality Framework

  • Consumer centered
  • Driven by information
  • Organized by safety


Conclusion (380 words) (10 marks)

  • Conclude the main findings of the paper
  • What is your topic? Reason for it?
  • What did the literature say and how did it form your QI project
  • Implication of your impact on patients