Which disciplines or career fields intersected with the Andrea Yates case? What did they do well? What could they have done differently?

Module 4 Discussion No unread replies.No replies. Prompt: Addressing domestic violence and child abuse most effectively often requires a multi-disciplinary approach. Directions: Watch videos #1 (Links to an external site.) and #2 (Links to an external site.). Then, research the Andrea Yates case. Finally, answer the questions below. Please be detailed (4 – 6 sentences for each question) in your responses to receive full credit (20 points). Don’t forget two peer responses with questions.

1. What are the differences between postpartum psychosis (Video #1 (Links to an external site.)) and postpartum depression (Video #2 (Links to an external site.))? Is this the same as ‘baby blues’? How so?

2. Briefly describe the case of Andrea Yates.

3. Which disciplines or career fields intersected with the Andrea Yates case? What did they do well? What could they have done differently?

4. Discuss implications of domestic violence on public health and public policy. You may find this resource Download this resourcehelpful. Please cite any additional sources below in APA format. hechore are the Video links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_3NlTtybIA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qgV7Yug-xs